The phrase Mind Bender anyone who hears is crystal with its words. Anything which pushes you to think in more or less & creates a short circuit in you.
How do you bend your mind? Or do we wait for situations to come & corner us than we think on it? Can we beforehand exercise with our mind make it stronger so when we have a problem are more equipped & smarter? I have always given an answer to this Yes…
Brain training can increase your brain power just like weight training can increase your strength. I have heard people can bend forks with their mind. I really need to think whether I believe it or not. But yes I like the fact of playing quiz, hitting on a dart board & given an opportunity love to pick up an air gun & hit on balloons, any bed spreads in my room I start drawing images out of it. I can go on with my list, my point of sharing is make your leisure time the best which helps you grow….
· A basket contains 5 apples. Do you know how to divide them among 5 kids so that each one has an apple and one apple stays in the basket? 5th Kid gets it with the Basket
· What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, yet never in a thousand years? Alphabet M
· You can start a fire if you have alcohol, petrol, kerosene, paper, candle, coke, a full matchbox and a piece of cotton wool. What is the first thing you light? Matchstick
· Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks? None as both is Pound
· What is always coming but never arrives? Tomorrow
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